We don’t just clear the clogs from your eavestroughs, we make your house work better.
It is our pleasure to provide a comprehensive gutter cleaning service with an inspection report containing images and insights far beyond our competition. Problems with the condition of your eavestroughs can be costing you, requiring cleanings more often, and putting your basement at greater risk of flooding.
When we’re done with your eavestrough system, you’ll have confidence we were thorough. You’ll have photo evidence to prove it! You’ll receive a thorough inspection report that shows before and after pictures as well as identifies any maintenance issues. Plus, we can solve those issues
We are not just another student gutter cleaning company. We love a challenge, and we want to make your gutter system work! Let’s talk about how to move the excess water around your property so it stays far away from your basement.
You do not need to flex your schedule around us. We can quote your cleaning quickly, often in minutes. No one needs to be home on cleaning day, we’ll message when we’re on our way, and when we’re done you’ll get our report showing exactly what we did, and an electronic invoice. Payments can be made with e-transfer or credit card online.
Rather than chasing down service people, get Darren Does That, and get that chore off your list.
Hear from our own customers. We are so thankful to have the best customers in Edmonton and The Surrounding Areas. Thank you to everyone who has supported us!
In most cases no! Our crew needs to be able to get into your yard and access water so we can flush your system. If you can leave a gate unlocked and the water on, we can take this chore off your list while you carry on with your busy day.
Our prices start at $189 plus GST. We calculate the cost based on the amount of eavestrough on your house and the level of difficulty in accessing it. The more difficult a job is, such as for tall or steep-roofed homes, the more time it takes to complete safely. Therefore, we structure our pricing so that more challenging jobs of the same size will have a higher cost to ensure that we provide you with our best service.
You bet! We always include a detached garage in our quotes unless you’ve asked us not to. If there are other buildings on your property, sheds and gazebos and such that you’d like the gutters cleaned on, it’s a good idea to make sure you’ve asked us to include those. Often times these types of small building don’t have gutters at all, so they may not be in the pricing.
Firstly, if you’re having trouble with your eavestroughs presently, then right now is the best time to have them cleaned. Hoping your basement doesn’t flood while you wait for the last leaf to fall isn’t a gamble I’d take.
If you don’t have a problem right now, waiting until the last leaf falls can still be a problem because we can’t clean your gutters when it’s frozen out, and lots of trees in Edmonton, especially Elm and Poplar don’t drop their final leaves until well after things have frozen up.
If you have broadleaf trees, early October is a great time to book because we’ll get a lot of the leaves out, and you don’t risk losing the appointment in the case of an early freeze up. As early as possible in the Spring is good too. There isn’t a lot of rain in winter, and we can be very confident all the leaves are down during those nice March thaws. The end of June to early July is another useful window to watch for. Elms and Cottonwoods will send a lot of seeds out in May and early June that are plenty to clog gutters if you live near one of these trees.
If you have Evergreen trees near your house, they are dropping needles and cones all year round, so getting your troughs cleaned consistently is more important than having them cleaned at any specific time.
No! We’ll bring the tools we need. Even if your hose is there and ready to go, we’ll disconnect it and use ours. On the off chance we cut a hose on a piece of flashing or something, I’d rather it be ours than yours.
Usually, everything we pull out of the gutters is organic, so we often deposit it in your green bin to go to the city compost. If we find non-compostables like leftover roofing nails in the troughs, we’ll bag them and put them in your trash bin. Please let us know in advance if you prefer we haul away debris.
Sometimes. For some properties gutter guards will save you money and chores for years to come. On other properties there an investment that not only never pays off, but exacerbates problems you may already be having. You can learn more about when gutter guards rock here.
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Awesome, we have answers! Please reach out to us using our contact information below. We would love to hear from you.