Best Value for Permanent Lights: 6 Reasons Darren Does That and Watts Lights are Killin’ It.
Best Value for Permanent Lights: 6 Reasons Darren Does That and Watts Lights are Killin’ It.

Value isn’t measured only in the dollars you spend. If what you buy doesn’t meet your expectations, you’ve spent too much. And when you want the best value for permanent lights on your home that you expect to get decades of use out of, the lowest bid can be costly.

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Posted on : 2024-05-29

Darren Does That, Your Life Hack to a Better Looking Home.
Darren Does That, Your Life Hack to a Better Looking Home.

Since 2020, Darren Does That has worked to shape its services to build onto what it offers to meet its clients’ needs, like offering seasonal and permanent Christmas light installation.

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Posted on : 2024-05-23

How Often to Clean Gutters
How Often to Clean Gutters

How Often to Clean Gutters Did you know our services not only make your home look great, but can save you money? It is less expensive to maintain your home than to repair it.  We love being a part of keeping your home gorgeous, and love just as much helping your castle last. So find […]

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Posted on : 2023-07-19

Squeegee vs Pure Water: What’s the Best Window Cleaning Technique?
Squeegee vs Pure Water: What’s the Best Window Cleaning Technique?

All window cleaning techniques are essentially the same. One wets the window with water, agitates the grime to bring it into solution (possibly using some additive to the water to make this easier), then gets all the dirty water off the window, leaving behind clean glass. That’s it. The Best Window Cleaning Technique depends on the job.

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Posted on : 2022-04-27

Permanent Christmas Lights April 2022
Permanent Christmas Lights April 2022

What is this newsletter? Our Permadazzle Permanent Christmas Lights are pretty incredible. The design philosophy of this product is that the features that will get used 90% of the time should be out front and intuitive. That last 10% of uses is very exciting though, and if you’re curious about what you can do with […]

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Posted on : 2022-04-06

Christmas Lights: Darren Does That too!
Christmas Lights: Darren Does That too!

Darren Does Christmas Lights! I want to light up Edmonton. And I want to do it with rugged long-lasting Christmas lights, with installation techniques that prolong the life of lights and clips, and with colour and pattern choices that realize your vision.  I can install your Christmas lights. I install on fences, columns, houses, and […]

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Posted on : 2020-11-04

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