We all want to know what cleans windows best. Pros use two primary tool sets: traditional tools including a squeegee, or the new hot Pure Water Cleaning System. We’ll dive into both tools and see if they each have a place in the modern window cleaner’s arsenal.
Permanent Christmas Lights April 2022
What is this newsletter? Our Permadazzle Permanent Christmas Lights are pretty incredible. The design philosophy of this product is that the features that will get used 90% of the time should be out front and intuitive. That last 10% of uses is very exciting though, and if you’re curious about what you can do with […]
Christmas Lights: Darren Does That too!
Darren Does Christmas Lights! I want to light up Edmonton. And I want to do it with rugged long-lasting Christmas lights, with installation techniques that prolong the life of lights and clips, and with colour and pattern choices that realize your vision. I can install your Christmas lights. I install on fences, columns, houses, and […]
Edmonton Entrepreneur Taking Control Of His Destiny during amid COVID-19
Futurpreneur Feature about Darren Does That In the terrifying days between being laid off and launching this humble little business I learned about Futurpreneur: a Government of Canada small business development initiative. I turned to them for guidance in creating a valuable, professional start-up and for initial funding. Though they became cagey about loaning out money […]
Gutter Cleaning: What to Expect with Darren
Gutter Cleaning with Darren Does That It is our pleasure to provide a comprehensive gutter cleaning service with an inspection report containing images and insights far beyond our competition. Problems with the condition of your eavestroughs can be costing you, requiring cleanings more often, and putting your basement at greater risk of flooding. When we’re […]
5 Things D&D Taught me about Starting a Business
The inner fantasy worlds of my youth were excellent training for the quest of entrepreneurship. Learn about the ways Dungeons and Dragons informed my business approach.